a hand-tied bouquet of luscious roses, carnations, stock, lisianthus and blackberries. |
White anemones with black centers were repeated with a black sprayed plumosa collar. The anemones were from Fox point Farms in San Diego county. http://www.foxpointfarms.com/ |
White gerbera daisies with green blank mink protea petals and black feathers. This photo was taken from the computer monitor which Dominic, photo assistant, was using during the photoshoot. |
René lecturing to the class. |
The class took a short break to drive to a park to take the class photo just before sundown.
Class walking back from the class picture. |
Heather, René, Erica, Lois and Tony after the shoot. |
Pat and Dominic, the photographers, packing up after shooting the class picture. |
René beginning a demonstration on how to construct a Dutchess rose. |
Jake shooting René's demo. |
Completed Dutchess rose. |
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