Monday, July 6, 2015

Wildflower Workshop with René van Rems AIFD June 2015

I was fortunate to be able to
spend three educational days with René in his Carlsbad studio for a Wildflower Workshop.

Some of the product collected for the class.

We began our adventure with a bit of theory.
I was introduced to a wonderful product which I had never heard of before called Daphne or Mock Orange.  We have Mock Orange in Hawaii but it is very different from this one.  I was in love!

René demonstrated a Euro hand-tied bouquet which we had to copy.

His finished hand-tied bouquet.
Then we had to replicate the hand-tied using a foam bouquet holder.

Completed piece which used additional product that might have otherwise wilted in a traditional hand-tied bouquet.  In the end, you couldn't tell the difference whether or not it was faux.  The point is that the flowers will last longer in a foam holder.
Our next project was a cascade bouquet.

René was showing different kinds of plant material which could be used in a cascade.

Finished cascade.
We also learned how to construct table garland.

Rene's garland getting ready for a photo shoot.
Our Wildflower basket project used the MOST amazing lilies!!

Beginning the Wildflower basket.

The class working on their baskets.

Beginning the demo on pew decoration.

Finished pew decoration
And finally the candelabra demo.

A bubble bowl on the top was an option instead of adding all flowers.  A candle, water and floating flowers are some of the options to fill the bubble bowl.
Fellow classmates explaining their bouquets.

The final recap of our design filled three day workshop.
The bonus for me was the photo shoot with the amazing Pat Boemer who shot Rene's Wedding book.

Additional arrangements by René.

Wonderful mix of textures and color.

Thank you René for another inspirational journey!!  Can't wait for the next one!

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