Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Lei Po'o Workshop


A fun group of ladies joined me to learn how to make "lei po'o" or head lei using the wili method.  For most, it was there first time doing this.


Graduation pic!  They all did a great job!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

2025 Pre-Punahou Carnival "Haku" making

 Once again, in the Punahou Cafeteria, we joined together for 2 evenings making Lei Po'o (head lei) for the Punahou carnival.  This year, Amanda couldn't join us but Cory and his friends from Watanabe Floral (present and past) joined Sarah and me.



Some of the finished product.

 Sarah's first piece.

 My first piece.

Second night.



Cory's lei po'o with lehua.

Sarah's second lei po'o.

 "Haku" lei booth at the carnival.